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Concert «JAZZ-VOYAGE" "France - Russia" State Chamber Orchestra of Jazz Music Oleg Lundstrem Artistic Director - Boris Frumkin Soloist - Mark Thomas, vocals (France)
Moscow International Musical Arts Center. Grand Hall

Schedule for «JAZZ-VOYAGE" "France - Russia" State Chamber Orchestra of Jazz Music Oleg Lundstrem Artistic Director - Boris Frumkin Soloist - Mark Thomas, vocals (France) 2022

Thousands of books arguing with each other , there is a pantheon of heroes , and yet no one can give a precise definition of what , where is jazz ends and something else begins ... Another page in the world collection of the series " Jazz +" will enter the concert cycle of the long-running jazz orchestra in the world . Dmitri Shostakovich once said: " Entries Oleg Lundstrem Orchestra - this is the path that should develop light music , you need to take bolder national melodies , treating them in a jazz manner ."
New project of the legendary jazz orchestra behalf O.Lundstrema - another confirmation of the correctness of the course , supporting classic. The concert "France - Russia " under the sign of love and , in particular , love to jazz , lyrical song unite Russian and French chanson . Distant and different from each other, they belong to the same vocal and poetic direction in which the music and words are important . Lyrical song and chanson reflect special condition of the human soul and speak to the listener in the language of the heart - perhaps why they are loved worldwide audience of all ages.
The program will include songs 30s - 70s . Twentieth century, melodies of the Second World War and the "Iron Curtain " (" Oh, those black eyes », Non, jeneregretterien, « Three years I dreamed of you ," " Moscow Nights" and many others. Etc.) in brilliant arrangements. Special guest - Mark Thomas , lead singer of the famous French big band of Claude Bolling . In the performance of Mark Thomas audience will hear favorite tunes , songs from the movies and be able to fully enjoy the true French chanson , which sets the tone peculiar rhythms of the French language .

Schedule for «JAZZ-VOYAGE" "France - Russia" State Chamber Orchestra of Jazz Music Oleg Lundstrem Artistic Director - Boris Frumkin Soloist - Mark Thomas, vocals (France) 2022

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