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Concert "Music on the sand. Fantasy artist with Orchestra "Tchaikovsky" Sleeping Beauty "
Moscow International Musical Arts Center. Grand Hall

Schedule for "Music on the sand. Fantasy artist with Orchestra "Tchaikovsky" Sleeping Beauty " 2022

Master sand animation - Arthur Kirillov
State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia named EF Svetlanov
Conductor - Vladimir Jurowski
Sand painting - an unusual art . On the big screen under the hand of the master , they come to life only for a few moments , but manage to leave an indelible mark on the hearts of the audience . Syuzhetyprichudlivo images and woven music sounds , evoking our own imagination and inspiration . As they say themselves masters of sand - it's almost water is fluid and it takes many forms . Such is its nature, and that is what he is mesmerizing.
Subscribe "Music on the sand. Fantasy artist and Orchestra "- outstanding event of the new concert season of House music, a wonderful journey into the world of miracle and beauty of this art. The uniqueness of the idea of subscription - in conjunction scale symphonic canvases and sand animation (Sand Art), growing out of the usual chamber 5 -10- minute format to a big performance. Great works of the classics - " Pictures at an Exhibition " MP Mussorgsky and the ballet " Sleeping Beauty" PI Tchaikovsky - open up opportunities to create magical , breathtaking sand stories. Flawless interpretation of two musical masterpieces present State Orchestra named EF Svetlanov , one of the largest musical collectives of Russia . In the first concert of the orchestra will perform under the direction of Vladimir Jurowski , which is one of the most talented young conductors in the world (according to BBC Music Magazine). Maestro Jurowski - one of the three permanent conductors " Orchestra of the Enlightenment ", the chief conductor of the London Philharmonic Orchestra (since 2007 ) and artistic director of the Russian State Orchestra named EF Svetlanov ( since 2011) .
Despite the growing popularity of sand animation , this genre is still young and these professionals live performance is still a bit . Among them Arthur Kirillov, among the three leading masters Sand Art. It was on his works today learns most beginners sand animation worldwide.

Schedule for "Music on the sand. Fantasy artist with Orchestra "Tchaikovsky" Sleeping Beauty " 2022

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