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Concert Al Jarreau (USA)
Moscow International Musical Arts Center. Grand Hall

Schedule for Al Jarreau (USA) 2022

"Singing like Al Jarreau sings, can not nobody in the world - and you understand instantly. During his speech before your eyes is a magical effect, which can not be off. This musician is literally studying the light "(Igor Butman).
It is called a living legend, Mr. refinement and one-man band. The path to the professional scene Al Jarreau be called direct and simple. Son of a preacher, he was educated psychologist and with years of knocking on the doors of various studios, offering his music. His first CD, which he recorded at the age of 25 years, and has not been released. It was some time before the world will recognize it as the original, no one else like musician. Eight-time winner of Grammy, and the only one - in three categories (jazz, rhythm and blues, and pop music) Al Jarreau now - a living legend. When he goes in the car, most of all like to listen to the silence, if it includes the radio, I prefer the classics. His judgments are often paradoxical, musical horizons broad, diverse tastes. Colleague singer appreciates Miles Davis and John Lennon, from classical composers of XX century - Igor Stravinsky.
In 1980 Jarreau albums come up regularly among the most popular in the U.S. charts in the 90's commercial success decreased slightly, but experts and fans celebrated the continuing high level of execution. Today Al Jarreau - one of the most respected jazz vocalists of his visit to Moscow - a great joy for fans of his talent.

Schedule for Al Jarreau (USA) 2022

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